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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

In Network Marketing, Do as the Romans Do!

Remember the old saying, When in Rome, do as the Romans do! This is the key for determining what affiliate program to sign-up with.
When I first started a business in Internet marketing, one of the first things I noticed was quite a few affiliate programs do not last for every long. You put time and money into the program, then all of a sudden the company is not there anymore. That is why I initially signed up with Six Figure Income (SFI). They have a backing of 7 millions members, have been able to stay in the business since 1985, and guest what? The top network marketers are members.
Look for the clues!
When in network marketing, do as the top network marketers do! This was the case in point when I discovered the Plug-In Profit Site. Stone Evans is one the top network marketers and offers 5 top affiliates program. Not because he has too, but he has been in the business long enough to know what programs are going to generate income. These programs are Six Figure Income (here they are again), MadisonDynamics, Internet Marketing Warriors, Push Button Publishing, and Internet Marketing Center.
Even if you do not need Stone Evans website design services, you need to follow the clues and sign-up for these programs.
Another great example is MadisonDynamics. Stone has brought his group into this new affiliate program (started this month) because he recognized the earning potential. Next thing you know, Mike Glaspie (founder of BannersGoMLM) is going to join Stone Evans group and start bringing in his huge network of serious marketers. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get in at the top before the wave hits.
If you want to make money in this business, follow the clues and do as the Top Network Marketers do!
You can join these sites for Free at the following link:
Your Resources For Home Base Success, Joe Featherston

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